Saturday, December 15, 2012

Moo Goo Gai Pan

As I'm typing, the Whippets are sound asleep on the couches in our living room. They appear totally exhausted, though I'm not sure from what. Actually this is how they look most of the time, except for the couple of times a day when they are either racing around the backyard, or having a howl fest. I was very excited the week after we put up the Christmas tree that they had not removed and destroyed any ornaments for the first time ever. But, I shouldn't have bragged too quickly to the puppy's Uncle Steve because that very day I came home to find destroyed ornaments in the middle of the living room floor! Thankfully they are cheap plastic ornaments and not priceless family heirlooms. I keep thinking every year that surely they have grown up enough not to care about the Christmas tree, but each year I am of course, wrong. It's true, boys never grow up!

Now why in the world would I combine a Chinese food recipe with a story about Christmas? Have you seen the Christmas Story? It's one of my favorite holiday movies. I'm posting this recipe just in case your Christmas turkey gets eaten by the Bumpus' hounds. You can make Chinese food. Be sure to have the ingredients on hand!

Seriously, this is a great, easy recipe. You should try it soon.

1 tablespoon vegetable oil


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